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I'm Sandy Phillips, and I'm running for Whatcom County Charter Review Commission, District 4. Find out why!
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You're right, I DO look kind of familiar!
Find out more about me...
Slide 4
What Is The Whatcom County Charter
(And Why Should You Care?)
Slide 3
Where Is Whatcom County's 4th District
And What's At Stake For It In The Charter Review Process?
Slide 5
There Are Issues Important To Me -
What Issues Are Important To You?
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I’m Sandy Phillips, and I’m running for Whatcom County Charter Review Commission for District 4. Here’s why!

I’ve been a resident of Whatcom County for over thirty years. Find out a little more about me here.

Many people don’t know what the Whatcom County Charter is – find out more about it here.

District 4 is one of the largest districts in the county – find out more about it here.

I have issues I care about, but I want to know what YOU care about! Find out more about the issues important to me, and let me know about what’s important to you, here.

Ready to help? I could sure use it! Find out what you can do to make me District 4’s voice on the Charter Review Commission here.

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